Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center
School Supplies
The majority of our student’s work will be done on their Chromebooks.The most important item for them to have each day is a fully charged Chromebook. Students are highly encouraged to have their Chromebook charger with them each day. Students should take good care of their Chromebooks by keeping them out of reach of younger siblings and pets. Teachers will explain the procedure for reporting malfunctioning or broken Chromebooks. Below are suggested supplies that will be helpful for each student to have:
- Backpack
- Pocket Folders for organizing
- Binder for organizing
- Pen/pencils
- Spiral Notebook or Notebook Paper
- Corded Headphones (to be used with teacher permission when used for assignments, Bluetooth and AirPods are NOT allowed in the classrooms)
- Texas Instrument 30Xa Scientific Calculator
- Algebra II Honors: Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator